Friday, September 2, 2011

Handmade Rosary Guide

A rosary gees in essentially two types, the corded or the chain. The chain itself gees in three types, the simple chain which is the type most rosaries are, the wire wrapped which very few are, and the ladder which is essentially a rosary made horizontally of two chains.
The corded rosary has evolved in the last few years. As the name implies, the corded rosary is strung. In the past it had been strung on either string which made for a rosary prone to breakage, or on strong waxed cord which made a stronger rosary although it was susceptible to stretching under certain conditions. These rosries were also called knotted rosaries because a knot would separate the beads.
Nowadays, the corded or strung rosary is made on very thin , but strong steel cable that is coated. These rosaries do not use knots and are very supple and strong. They are not as prone to breakage as their predecessors. They are able to be more decorative than in the past, and make a very pretty rosary.
The most gemon rosary is the plain chain rosary, though calling it plain chain can be deceptive since the chain that it uses can be highly decorative. If the rosary you are looking at has a decorative or unusual chain, it will be mentioned in the description since pictures do not always do a rosary justice.
Another feature to look for on all chain rosaries is spring rings used to hold the beads to the medal/center and the crucifix. These are more secure than plain jump rings.
The most rare rosary is the wire wrapped rosary. As the name implies, the wire wrap rosary utilizes wire and not eyepins. Each bead is wrapped on each end and then joined to the next bead with more wrapping. This method takes a long time and requires practice before making a salable product. This makes a very secure rosary. Breakage can not occur by loops pulling open but only by actual breakage of the wire. The one thing to watch for with wire wrapped rosaries is barbs, areas in which the end of the wire sticks up slightly and can prick the finger of the user. This can be avoided if the rosary maker files down the ends, and a proficient wire wrapped rosary maker will have done just that.
The ladder rosary is a rosary in which each bead is attached to two lengths of chain. Some of these type rosaries are wire wrapped also making the rosary even more secure and less prone to breakage.
A handmade rosary will be priced on two things. The first is the quality of beads and findings that have been used to make it. The second is the amount of time it took to construct it.
A rosary may be made of good quality gold or sterling silver. However do not assume that every gold rosary on okay is made of 24 karat gold. Unless it says so in the description, and you double check it with the seller, assume that a gold rosary is in actuality a gold tone rosary. The same goes for silver. Do not assume every silver rosary is sterling, but that it is silver tone.
Beads vary greatly in quality and price. Expect to pay more for a rosary that is made with cloisonne , lampwork, gemstone or pearl beads. When it gees to lampwork or cloisonne beads, it is not unusual to pay $1 or more per bead. This will obviously be reflected in the price of the rosary.
Centers and crucifixes vary in price also. The least expensive center will look as if it was stamped into the medal. The more detailed, the more sculpted, the more expensive the center. The same with the crucifix. The least expensive crucifixes are very simple. At the top of the line are the very elaborate crucifixes, the ones embellished with crystals and crucifixes that have actual scenes from calvary with John and the Blessed Mother standing at the foot of Jesuss cross.
A note here, very few rosaries are made with a cross. The reason a crucifix is used is that with a blessed rosary, certain indulgences can be gained by using a rosary with a crucifix. Those indulgences are not available to rosaries with a cross.
A rosary consists of 59 beads. Each bead must be attached by hand to the rosary. No matter how big or small the bead, this fact is unescapable. If each bead must be wire wrapped or given other attention, this will obviously affect the cost of the rosary also.
When the rosary maker is done, the result is a beautiful, one of a kind rosary. Upon close examination, you may be able to see the marks of the maker, where the pliers might have held the wire, a certain turn of the wire to make loops. Truly these handmade rosaries are affordable works of art!

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