Friday, September 2, 2011

Cloth Diaper FAQ

Question: I hate laundry. Isn't it easier to just toss a dirty diaper in the garbage? Answer: Sure! It's much easier to just toss a dirty diaper in the garbage. That's just gemon sense. However, you still have to lug that heaping pile of stinking diapers to your trash. And what if you run out of disposables at an inconvenient time? Then you have to load everyone up into the car to take a trip to your local superstore to buy a pack of diapers. Running out of cloth diapers can be as simple as doing a load of laundry at midnight in your pajamas. Let's not forget to mention the smell that emanates from the diaper genie even after the diapers have been taken out to the trash. When I used disposables my daughter's room smelled worse than a public restroom at times. When you're using cloth, you're not letting feces sit in your house for any length of time so you simply won't have a stinky pail problem. I guarantee that if you follow my washing routine you will never ever have a stinky diaper pail ever again!Caring for your cloth diapers really isn't much harder than an extra couple loads of laundry a week. With a baby I'm sure you're already doing quite a bit of laundry anyway. I promise, it's much less difficult than you could have ever imagined. I'm no Martha Stuart. Anyone that knows me can vouch for that. If I can do it, anyone can!Question: I've heard that cloth diapers have the same environmental impact as disposables. So why should I use cloth?Answer: That's just plain ridiculous! That's like saying it's more environmentally friendly to use disposable clothes and dishes. Crazy! In the last few years, more and more people have been switching to cloth diapers and the disposable manufacturers have really taken a hit in the pocket book. These studies are nothing more than propaganda by big gepanies like Procter

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