Ah, yes. Its summertime and it seems that the Chinese (no disrespect) are in full swing in the knock off replica business. Recently, I've been noticing quite a few "fake" Gucci neckties on the net, so I decided I better get the word out to the unsuspecting buyer. In this guide, were going to go on the authentic side from the most recent label to the previous one just a few years back. I'm joining the force of writing these articles until okay cleans this crap up. Given not all overseas buyers are selling fakes, be very leery about what one is selling. Always check the feedback, and always see how many of one tie design someone is selling. If they have a pink Gucci tie they claim is "authentic" and they say they have 35 available, chances are pretty good that its not real, and you will get ripped off. Although China is the main culpret, I have noticed a ton of sellers here in the US and Canada that seem to be not that well versed on the luxury lines of whats real and fake. Being a clothing guru myself, I can spot a fake 10 miles away, but the average seller sees an MSRP of $175.00 with a "Buy it Now" for $20.00, they think they are getting a great deal. WRONG!!! Here is what to look for when buying any Gucci necktie:1.) Always check the sellers sale history. If they had 30 transactions all positive w/ 30 different tie designs, chances are this is a trustworthy seller. Any self-respecting seller, including myself, is going to put their reputation on the line to make a quick buck.2.) Be sure to see what country the seller is registered in. Up until recently, the 2 countries that were passing the most knock offs on okay have been China and Turkey.3.) If the seller doesnt post a pic of the back of the tie, steer clear. Good reputable sellers take numerous pics to prove authenticity.4.) When in doubt, get online and Google stores that carry or broker
Gucci ties and other products. Most high-end smaller stores, such as
Andriesen-Morton here in Denver, CO of Larrimors in Pittsburgh, PA
would let you know right away via and email pic if it is authentic.
Here are some pics I dug up directly off okay. The first few pics are knock-offs, and the rest are Authentic Gucci neckties. Very Bad Chinese knockoff. Gucci does not gee in a plastic liner. Not even close boys and girls. This is the worst knockoff yet!!And now, the AUTHENTIC GUCCI'S!!!! This is the label from a few years back. Most recent label. And again, most recent label.I own 16 Gucci Ties personally. Gucci can sometimes turn out like Hermes ties, kinda weird, wild, and out there in patterns and designs, but for the most part, Gucci ties are pretty suttle. I hope this guide has been helpful and will save some buyers a lot of time and agony. I apologize to the sellers that are passing the knockoffs, but its just not right. And since you never responded back to my emails, we'll call it "tough business love".I will be writing additional guides on Fake Brioni, yes, you read correctly, they actually have fake Brioni now. Its a sad, sad world we live in. Also up and geing will be Hugo Boss, Paul Smith, and Versace. Take care and happy and safe okaying!!Michael W Hall, OwnerThe High-End HaberdasheryDenver, CO
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