Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Photographing Objects for Insurance Purposes

A photo inventory is the best way to document your possessions for insurance purposes.

Room by Room take photos to create a photographic inventory of your house. Be sure to take photos of the property and any structures on the property showing inside and out of each structure.
Use a simple background - this focuses attention on the object you are trying to photograph. This can be as simple as taking the shot from a different angle, or using a poster board as a background.
Fill the entire frame of each shot with your subject. This can be done by zooming or getting closer to the object. If your camera has a "macro" mode use it for smaller items.
Be sure to photograph brand names and model numbers if applicable.
Take lots of photos - For structures be sure to take photos from mulitple angles/corners of each room. For objects; take as many photos needed to show all of the detail.
Shoot in High Resolution - this will allow you to zoom in /cropwith less distortion on the geputer.
Make 2 copies of the photos. Store one in a safe or safe locationwithin your home. The second should be stored safely at an offsite location (safety deposit box, family member's house , etc...)

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