Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Gucci bags - made in Mexico

I promise I have researched this, but have not found an answer. Hope you can help! Is Gucci only made in Italy? I found a couple of sites which said they were also legitimately made in China and Mexico. What about vintage Gucci bags? Ever made outside Italy? Thanks for any help you can give.

Orignal From: Gucci bags - made in Mexico

1 comment:

  1. 今、たくさん女性が可愛い物が大好きグッチ バッグ。最新デザインのGucci 財布!にグッチ トートバッグは、こんなのグッチ財布は形状がさまざまだ! そのうえ、これはグッチ 財布 人気の商品です!
